الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2021

Whey protein benefits to increase muscle and its doses


Protein and its importance in building muscle

Before we talk about whey protein,

we must quickly learn about the benefits of protein for building muscle.

It is chains of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of all body tissues.

Protein (from food and supplements) is used to make bones, skin, nails, hair,

muscles and cells. Also, protein has a big role in producing all the important enzymes

for the body.  

Eating protein prompts the body to synthesize amino acids, build muscle,

and discourage muscle wasting for long hours.

 Eating protein increases strength in the gym and speeds muscle recovery after

 a workout.

So what is whey protein?

Whey protein is a natural food supplement extracted from cow's milk after

the stage of cheese manufacture and fat extraction.

 Even other names for whey protein are whey protein or whey protein.

 Whey protein is sold commercially in the form of a powder (powder),

 with different flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc.

 Most types are low in carbohydrates and fats.


What are the benefits of whey protein?

Whey protein contains protein of higher quality and nutritional value than eggs,

 milk and meat. It is also rich in BCAA or Branched Chain Amino Acids such as leucine,

 valine, and iso-leucine. 30 grams of whey protein contains 4 grams of glutamine.

This helps maintain muscle mass while following a diet.

 This does not mean that whey protein is only useful for dieters,

 but it has the same benefits for those who suffer from the problem of thinness

 and want to increase their weight or muscle mass.

Also, several studies have shown that those who follow high-protein diets lose most of their weight from body fat,

 not muscle.

Valway is a protein with low amounts of fats,

 starches and calories. This makes it ideal for bodybuilders who follow a diet or

 want to gain weight without gaining large amounts of fat. Some of them use it in the morning, between meals,

 and after exercise.

Another advantage of whey protein is its speed and ease of digestion,

 which makes it a great after-iron meal.

There is ample evidence that muscles need protein quickly after muscle tissue is broken down during exercise.


 What are the types of Wii protein?

There are three main types of whey protein:

 Whey Protein Isolates, Concentrates and Hydrolized

Valway protein goes through several stages to filter and remove starches,

 fats, lactose (milk sugar) and impurities from cow's milk.

Valway Protein Concentrates consists of 80% protein,

 and Isolates consist of 90% protein.

There are no other fundamental differences.

As for Hydrolised Whey, it is partially broken down in the factory,

 similar to a partial digestion process, so that it becomes easier to digest and faster to absorb.

 But this type of whey protein is more expensive and unnecessary.

The most popular and popular type on the market is Isolate (90% protein).


Whey protein

What is the way to use Wi-protein? What are the doses of whey protein?

First, adhere to the dosages written on the package. Each product has different ingredients from another.

However, generally speaking, there is no specific method or times that whey protein is used.

It is a nutritional supplement more like natural food.

You will find a plastic scoop (scoop) buried inside the powder and you need to take it out.

You can mix it with water or milk, there is no difference.

Each (scoop) or serving contains about 30 grams of protein,

consisting of 25 grams of protein and 120 calories.